Exploring Parkour

I’m with Dan Iaboni, the founder of Canada’s largest parkour community, pkTO.ca.  We’re at Cloud Gardens, a kinda hidden park in downtown Toronto.
Real brief, parkour is getting from point A to point B as efficiently as possible, as if you were in an emergency.
And yes, that’s actually David Belle, inventor of parkour, in MY video.  Dan has travelled with him and gave me the footage, saying “I’ve been holding onto this but you Keri, can have it”.  Sick, thanks Dan.june 6 2008
This is the second episode I made for CBC.

2 thoughts on “Exploring Parkour”

  1. Are you telling me that you don’t get that thing where you’ve been eating crap for a couple of days and your body just starts kicking your ass, going "Give me something green that grew out of the ground!!!!"


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