Things From Today

Top Two
This is one of those shredding trucks that have been fascinating me since I moved here. They pull up and shred whatever a business gives them.  I’ve been wanting to explore this, but it’d be a short exploration since really my only question is:

Me: Have you considered a lucrative side business by providing sensitive corporate espionage information to interested third parties?

That’s my own personal shredder there on the right.  That photo is from weeks ago when my Visas were compromised and I had to get new ones.  I shred everything.

Bottom Left
It’s a crap photo, but what it is is looking out the window of the restaurant I’m eating in is a reflection of a TV playing the Food Network behind me.  

Sometimes I think there’s a secret to life when I see this.  Like, looking out the window I can either watch the TV, or, adjust my eyes just a little and watch what’s happening on the street.  Which gets me wondering if maybe that’s the trick to it all, adjusting your eyes just a little and whammo – enlightenment.

Bottom Middle
That’s my new thing: Vitamin Water.  After my shift the other night there were two cases of it waiting in our ops room (classy, eh) so I had one for the first time and it’s quite nice.  It’s not sugary like other power drinks (is that what I call them?) and the sayings on the bottles are clever.  Plus it’s good for you.

Bottom Right
I adore the night; everything is better at night.  Sure it’s also nice also to see the sun come up, and I wonder if I should be training myself to sleep in shifts so I can have the best of both worlds.

About This Show of Mine

Here’s my new target:

– Daily blog updates;april 23 2009
– 5 Tweets a day;
– At least 2 weekly previews about what I’m filming / editing, and;
– A new video each week.

It came about from a conversation I had today.  Will see if I can pull it off, because I meant what I said last week. So maybe you’re like, “then why have this blog and internet show?”. So the episodes will stop playing in my head.

My Physical Address

If ever you want to write to me so I’ll get something other than bills in the mail, please do:

157 Adelaide Street West
Suite #352 
Toronto, Ontario
M5H 4E7 april 22 2009

If you would like one, write me and I’ll send you a postcard from my collection: 

[postcards by Hotzee or Valhalla Cards]

That thing poking into the picture bottom right is my lottery ticket.  I haven’t taken it in because by not, it keeps the dream alive.  

I keep in there on my fridge among all those Canada images like somehow the ticket will soak up my trip idea: Winner! Gagnon! Vas-y!

Work Tonight

Nicole Ritchie launched her jewelry line at Holt Renfrew tonight; they kept the store open, served drinks, people shopped, met Nicole and bought her stuff.  

I was stationed outside of the bathrooms and had to ensure anyone going in didn’t take with them unpaid merchandise.  So basically it looked like I was eye-raping everyone but I prevented any thefts so yaaaaa.

Here’s me in a disco ball, and beside that are the gift bags I helped the salesgirls organize (200+ of them).  

april 21 2009

You do not even realize how much I want to be sponsored by Holt’s.  Ever since the beginning of the show I’ve wanted that.  Canada’s most giglala department store?  Yes please.  I even have the best tag line I invented.

At the end of it all I had to clear the washrooms (don’t I sound so spy-like?) and found two ladies inside.  So instead of giving them the boot I joined in on their conversation and we were cackling away.  I maintain that the girl’s bathroom is often the most fun spot in a place.