Exploring the Toronto Star

I went to Canada’s highest-circulation newspaper printing plant this morning and guess what?  The place is run by robots, like the one above.  Guess what else?  When you get your paper you are only the second human to ever touch it, the first is the delivery person.  

I read up on the Atkinson Principles before going and the place reflected them, I thought.  Recently, internet stations around the plant were installed where they ready? didn’t restrict any sites.  The Star’s been in business for 117 years.january 28 2009

Probably the best part was how the papers travel by roller coaster.  The whole placed smells good like a Sharpie.  Thanks again for the tour, Mark.  And for the pen that lights up, too.

(quick aside: I read The Star online and find it interesting that consistently day after day horoscopes is always in the top 5 clicked things overall). 

Big snowstorm today:

Taken the Exact Moment I Hit ‘Send’

january 27 2009
My Discovery guy today sent me Jon’s email, the guy in charge of all things internet at CTV.  So using his name from the email I went through the switchboard, found him, and now we are booked for coffee this Thursday!

This all happened while waiting for Jody at Starbucks, who then helped me with my business card design… by deleting a lot of it.  

Jody: Do you really need your photo? 
Keri:  Ya, I’m like a real estate agent that way.
Jody: No.
Jody: Where’s your email?
Keri:  Woah, I totally forgot it.
Jody: It’s alright, they’ll just use your BB PIN here.
Us:    Cackle cackle.