I was the admin girl today, then tonight I was the assistant to one of the guys in charge. We had to walk among the floor seats and inform people they couldn’t stand on their chairs. I just do not have the heart; let me re-create this for you:
tap tap tap. “Excuse me! I’m really sorry [palms up, apologetic face], but you gotta get down from there. You know, insurance reasons! Dumb, I know! Hey could you reach over and tell that guy too please? Thank you so much!”
Then my boss gets a text and takes off running, so I do too. We get to somewhere and:
Him: Keri! Get my back!
Me: Huh? [staring with mouth open, eyes squinted]
Him: Watch my back! Bring up the rear!
Me: [more of the same]november 7 2008
Him: [spins me around and plants me behind him back to back]
Me: Ohhhh, got it!
Me: [and I am looking, looking, looking]
Me: Nothing to report back here! Things are looking good!
Then it was over as quickly as it started, and he’s off again and I’m running to catch up.
Me: What was that all about?
Him: Oh Keri, really? We just escorted the band from the stage to their van.