Exploring Graffiti

Meet Ensoe, one of Canada’s top graffiti artists… like top 3 top.  He’s from Vancouver and was here in Toronto for the annual ‘Style in Progress ’08‘ where ‘Graffiti Alley‘ off of Queen Street West is painted all black and then artists descend all over it with their art.

Also, this alley is where Rick Mercer does his rants each week in his show, ‘The Rick Mercer Report‘.  

The Batmobile Was Here

I’m walking down Queen Street when the Batmobile drives by.  My eyes got huge and must have looked like I was plugged into Toronto Hydro.  

It parked up beside MuchMusic and the Batcycle and I just stared and stared some more.  july 11 2008

I’ve never been into comics and superheroes, and it wasn’t until 2 summers ago when I saw “Batman Begins” that I actually liked one of them.  

It’s because he is human, but through sheer determination he becomes super-human… like, none of this “getting dunked in a vat of chemicals made me special” stuff.  That movie is motivating.