January 20 – Live at Five

At Cherry Beach talking about things I have to do, about yoga, and some babbling.

This is a very simple episode, hardly any editing because I’m taking it back to scratch to figure out a more efficient system of doing this.

The 100-word-assignments are in preparation for when I go to the Olympics and have to write 100-word article each day for the paper Vancouver 24hrs.

Thanks for tuning in today, TTYT!

8 thoughts on “January 20 – Live at Five”

  1. What about if you:

    – shoot in front of a map of canada instead of a green screen? And show the slides of Canadian places instead of keying them in behind you? Would that cut down on your rendering time?

    – edited at night and put the show up the next day? That would free up your afternoon when likely the best stuff is going on.

    – did more than one episode in a day? As long as what you’re talking about isn’t topical for that day, you’d be good. David Letterman shoots Friday’s show on Monday!

  2. 1. Don’t sell yourself short, You are doing a LOT more than most people>
    2. Don’t Overwelm yourself, one thing at a time, one day at a time.
    3. Time for yourself is important.
    4. Plan ahead as much as you can.
    5. Just Do It! Whatever it is
    and Last " Have Fun" Thats what life is all about

  3. This is the Keri I so enjoy seeing – in your studio, on the move (no green screen, no kneeling).
    You look and sound great!

    Yoga rocks – just home from a gentle class – I totally understand the neck thing too though.

  4. Hey Sean – thanks for putting thought into improving my system. Replying below in order of your list:

    – yes it would decrease rendering time, but I’d be concerned seeing always the same background would quickly become monotonous

    – I thought long about this one, and I’ve not concluded yet if that would work…

    – I’ve been thinking this is the key to the secret so reading it here was affirming. I think I’ll have to keep on me my laptop, a Bell turbostick so I can get online anywhere, and create 3+/day.

  5. Thanks Mike! Replies…

    1 – :)
    2 – Ya I’m more "everything immediately asap" so it was good for me to read this
    3 – You’re right. And without it, I really think it shows
    4 – I think that’ll be key, a tightly planned daily itinerary
    5 – Ha, okay!

    And you know, you can’t beat fun for a good time!

  6. Thanks Old Friend, and you’re right, back in the studio and DOWN with the green screen is this week’s theme.

    As we rewind cause we don’t minnnnndddd…..


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