Welcome to my Internet show, ‘The Canadian Explorer’. in 2007 I decided Canada needed more celebrating; it is the best country in which to live. I taught myself to be a 1-girl-show, and for 80 episodes I travelled around doing just that, and it was awesome.
I hope you feel more excited and protective of Canada after visiting here, that was the point.
Thanks for stopping by eh, xo Keri
Come visit my new home online: KeriBlog.com
Featured Episode: Exploring Ice Fishing
Highlights from the show include… meeting some Leaf’s hockey legends… going ice fishing… exploring Parkour… visiting a classic Canadian fair… when I figured out how to beat facial recognition software, hanging with the world’s best duck decoy carver… covering Van2010 for Sun Media where I celebrated the Olympics through dance… turned myself into an animated gif… being CBC’s inaugural made-for-web show… discovering both CBC and the Toronto Star employ robots… if you’re new I’d prefer you start reading my blog around March 09…
… encouraging you to re-affirm your oath to Canada (takes only 11 seconds)… exploring one of our three sacred sites the Petroglyphs… there was that time I turned into Butters from South Park and then a Toronto Unicorn, did you know our Canadian Coat-of-Arms has a Unicorn?… just chatting with other Canadians… when the tree broke under me… accidentally became the national sympathizer for the sleeping TTC guy… teaming up with Canada Goose… building a green screen studio…
… made a manifesto… had a cycling team… had a daily news show I called Live@5… stated some Vancouver facts… saw the CNE… made a PSA… and laughed really really hard.