January 14 – “Live at 5”

Today we explore Canada’s largest ever-in-history privately funded art park.  Located in Cityplace and funded by Li Ka-shing, one of the world’s richest men, philanthropist and cool guy, and designed by my ‘Top 3 Authors of my life’ Douglas Coupland.  Click his name there to find all blog mentions of him.

Haiti needs your help, please text 45678 to donate $5.

And we talk to Canadians about the upcoming Olympics.

Thanks for tuning in, and please send in photos of your favourite places in Canada!  You can email them to me at: Keri @ TheCanadianExplorer.com.  TTYT!

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6 Responses to January 14 – “Live at 5”

  1. Gregory Alan Elliott says:

    GREAT SHOW! And how gorgeous are you?! …So what if it was an hour late? If NBC can shuffle its talk shows all around, then you can miss 5 o’clock once in a while. Nice show. You should check out what @JenFriel is doing on http://www.talknerdytomelover.com/ with her experimental Live Broadcasting using Ustream from her Google Android phone… You ay be able to do it too… then Keri, you would truly be LIVE at five… and you wouldn’t have to edit either. The future is an experiment.
    Love Greg
    P.S. Perhaps you can post a page detailing your preferred size/format/resolution for our photos of Canada.

  2. Brrrranka says:

    liking your "Live at 5" even more today! Been waiting here @5 Sharp to see it and it was worth the wait….5 STARS! |:)

  3. Lucian Dixon says:

    Love it! Yes…GREAT SHOW! You’ve got the touch, Keri…go,go,go! You are such an excellent ambassador for Canada…how I wish I had some pictures from Canada for your green screen! Maybe this summer.

  4. KeriCDN says:

    Thanks Greg!

    Nah, that’s nice of you to say, but being on time at 5pm everyday is important to me.

    I’ll check out that link, thanks, and yup one day I’d love to do it for-real live via Ustream or whatever… all in good time.

    And great idea about the page with Canada photo information, on it.

  5. KeriCDN says:

    Haha nice Brrrrrranka, but sorry I made ya wait for a long time today :(

  6. KeriCDN says:

    Now that’s a nice thing to tell me, the ambassador thing, thanks Lucian!

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