Meet Keith Williams, owner of the largest diamond house in Canada and also, ‘The Official Gemologist of The Canadian Explorer’!
september 2 2009
We ogled stones (below top photo is 30+ carats total weight), I pushed them around with jewelers tweezers (which are more delicate than you think), and shone a UV light on them because 10% of all diamonds will refract back a solid purple.
The scales gemologists use to weigh stones are so sensitive they’re housed in a box you must close the door to because a light breeze will affect the results. Bottom right is a design that’s being shipped to Tiffany’s soon.
Then he took me for dinner to George and we cackled and laughed, agreed ‘Hells Kitchen’ and Gordon Ramsay are fantastic (Keith, I saw him once, click here).
I met Keith at a cycling race weeks back and did you know last year he came ‘3rd in Ontario’ in the Time Trial races? I know, sick.
Thank you Keith, a lot!
NOTE: woah, as I linked up that restaurant I saw the adress is 111 Queen Street, weird, because as I’ve said is my special number. There were many things like that today, love it.
Learn more about diamonds in this post
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