september 6 2007
I’m at a typical local summer fair. This is by far my most favorite episode to date because I finally got it to look like it does in my head.
Category: videos
Exploring Duck Decoys
Meet John McCafferty, the Ward World Champion of Duck Decoy Carving. His focus and drive are motivating.august 27 2007
Exploring the Petroglyphs
Located in a forest not far from Peterborough, the Petroglyphs Provincial Park is one of Canada’s sacred sites. A petroglyph is a carving in a rock, usually a symbol or picture, that dates back a long time ago, in this case 600 – 1100 years. august 10 2007
PS – Just to say it, there is nothing I like about this episode, but according to the rules of my show I have to put it up.
Exploring Deep Space
My first exploration!
We’re at the Queen’s Observatory with Terry Bridges who is in charge of it all, and Hank Bartlett, the Past President of the ‘Royal Astronomical Society of Canada‘, Kingston Chapter. Sorry for the poor audio; filming in a tinny parabolic dome is tough.august 2 2007
Intro to ‘The Canadian Explorer’
july 27 2007