Exploring ‘BrickWorks’

I’m at Brickworks, a brick-making factory founded in 1889 and functional until the mid 1980s when the clay ran out.  Now Evergreen, a Canadian not-for-profit environmental organization, is restoring the place into a community destination.  

Above I call the group ‘The Explorers Group of Toronto’ but I’m wrong; it’s called ‘The Toronto Exploration Society‘ and they’re fun and interesting; come join us!december 7 2008 

Here’s more of Kevin’s photos, and thanks to motionblur for organizing.

At a MobileMonday Event

I’m at a MobileMonday.com event.  Brian hosted this one, good guy who has done up his entire office like a castle.  He told me about a human centrifuge on Sheppard here in Toronto.  It’s the only one in Canada.  

I don’t understand why something like that would be in the middle of a city, and I also can’t figure out how to gain access. Anyone?  I’ve been wanting to try one out for years, I KNOW I can handle the Gs.  Imagine the video?  That’s good footage.november 3 2008