This is an ad for the last episode of Canadian Explorer.
This is an ad for the last episode of Canadian Explorer.
Remember when we CRUSHED IT at the Van2010 Olympics this year??
Here’s the streets of Vancouver after our 14th world-record Gold Medal hockey win.
The guy at the end, love him, “here we gooooooo!”.
I sent that to my newspaper pals at Vancouver 24 Hours as a “thanks for having me” gift, and included was a labelled ziploc of sand for Dean because I’d overheard he collects it (I don’t get it either).
That’s a Canada Goose Camp Down jacket.
I’m at Cherry Beach.
The fans were colourful and loud in many languages.
These athletes are beasts to ski like that for an hour, and the target is the size of a loonie.
Also cool is that we threw the world’s biggest party and never did you see an automatic weapon.
Footage is from the afternoon after our big Gold Sunday Hockey Win.