Using a Green Screen

Final Cut Pro makes it pretty easy… make sure to add a green gradient background in, really makes a difference.  My screen is just an Ikea blanket.

The key is the sit further away from the screen then you think, and make sure the subject (you) have your own light. 

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7 Responses to Using a Green Screen

  1. BraBla:) says:


  2. BraBla:) says:

    and I really like your screwmic

  3. Scott Bliss says:

    Alright… I too agree that you’re AWESOME… but, unlike the above, that screwdriver mic drives me crazy… good lord, someone PLEASE donate a real microphone to the cause… :)

  4. KeriCDN says:

    Thanks BraBla, so do I.

    Fun eh, Stephane!

    But Scott come ONNNN it’s like, the best part of everything; I love my screwdriver mic!

  5. Cool Dude says:

    Thumbs up to the screwdriver mic….blog talent should never take itself too seriously ;)

  6. KeriCDN says:

    True Cool Dude, and I’m a big bootstrapper.

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