New Camera Today

For a little bit there I was a girl with an internet show and no video camera.  Ironic.

It’s from Henry’s, almost all my stuff has come from them because they’re Canada’s oldest photography company, 100+ years.  Thank you for the deep discount today, guys.  And thank you donors, you kinda got a new camera too :)

I chose the same one as my old one, just a newer version.  Click here for the specs.

I also now own the world’s largest backpack.  Have studio, will travel.

Happy Birthday to My Blog!

A year ago today I launched my blog.  Here’s what it looked like.

At the 3-month mark I celebrated.

It grew up a little and looked like this.

Then until today it was like below. 

So very fittingly… I have launched my new design today.

Love you, Blog
xo Keri

                                                      (design by Jody, code by Iain)


Shopping Today for Olympic Outfits

I shop best alone, and take photos and send them to friends for feedback.

Normally I’m not fussed about what I’m wearing; I am the girl who wore a fanny pack all summer – here it is, click here for when I made it into a bustle, and here again (quite like that post).

But this time the stakes are higher.  I’ve got everything all laid out in my former green screen studio, I’ll show you tomorrow. 

There’s military precision planning happening here: 3 weeks, 1 suitcase and multiple moves, so I must.