Why the Random Videos Lately?

It’s the last bits of polishing to Season 1 (2007-09).

I blogged the list hang on I’ll go get it… kay, posted Dec 22:

– waterfall capital of the world (Hamilton)
– the Bad Lands
oldest baseball field in the world (London)
– the Toronto Star

talking with CDN hockey legends 
– exploring a hell hole
Eldon and his art
– the closing show for fashion

45 Episodes in Total for Season 1

XXXX total minutes [will add later] 


It was a big year, video coming soon about that, along with, “Reflections Looking Forward into 2010”.

Dead Sea Scrolls at the ROM

Get this: only twice ever have any of the Scrolls left their home, and BOTH times it was to come to Canada.

The writing on them is remarkably clear.  They radiate something.  Regardless if you agree with what they say, you gotta agree there’s something special about them.

Took notes walking through the exhibit:

– in 500 BC there existed cities of 60,000 people, there was a market with 180,000 stalls

– the Scrolls were hidden at one of the lowest points on Earth (as in sea level low)

– saw the oldest Phylacteries in the world and saw a shoe; the people were little like me

– stone was thought to be more pure because it is non-pourous

– if they could see us admiring their cooking pots in a glass case they’d laugh

– today there are 4 full time people dedicated to caring for the Scrolls

Then you stop by the dinosaurs.