Month: December 2009

  • Just Some Things

    – a studio milestone, and that number is in miles (more about that here)

    – each hour on the hour the CN Tower does a little light show.  Unrelated, see me as a Toronto Unicorn here

    Lise Watier makes this lip balm specifically for Canadians I discovered last night.  Oh how I’d like to be sponsored by that company… it’s 100% CDN, founded and run by a lady, who has an Order of Canada (I want one too, I’d wear it everyday) (see one close up here)

  • Contest Update… 5th Place!

    Thank you very much to everyone who helped me out, I appreciate you.

    Okay SO.  Here’s what happened…

    – I upload my entry Friday night.  It goes live yesterday afternoon at 3pm

    – the troops mobilize

    – things really take off and tada! LOOK

    5th PLACE!  According to this I’ve made it to the finals YES.

    See the results here: 

    I celebrated last night with a Happy Meal. 

  • People Find This Funny

    I just don’t see the big deal, but when someone saw this yesterday they jacknifed, so here ya go.

    My oven:

    My microwave:

    That bowl in the back is full of my lucky pennies, read my theory about that here

    And my printing on the left is what I took a photo of to make the header for this site, look up.

  • I Forgot How Much I Love The PATH at Night

    You know, The PATH – the largest underground shopping complex in the whole world (27km).  

    I think I forgot because I always walked outside but now that it’s cold I went back underground.  It was just me everywhere by myself.  Reminds me of this book I was obsessed with as a kid, Secrets of the Shopping Mall

    There’s some great stuff to be seen down there:

    I’d like to be a Lego sculpture.  

    And remember those things on the right, Beanie Babies, and when they took over the world in the 90s?  I still think they’re dumb.

    I love the Claw Game so much, and look, I posed it so it looks like I’m winning myself.

    Watch me play in the episode, “Exploring the CNE”.