To Hoax with Jody

She needed a tailor so I took her to meet my friends Chris and Jim who are Hoax Couture, one of Canada’s most prestigious fashion houses.

august 5 2009

They have an amazing container garden on their rooftop, one I’ve played poker in.  See in the background the guy in pink?  That’s Chris who, I learned today, was thisclose to being the judge on Project Runway Canada.   But instead they went with that Shawn guy.

See a better photo of Chris here from when we went to Caribana last year, and click here for an apple pie recipe from when Jim made me bake.

Coffee at Cherry Beach

august 4 2009

Love it here, I come here often.  

Often you can see people kiting so today I strolled down the beach and introduced myself. Turns out this and just down the road at… I forget… are the two main Toronto areas to kite and the veteran guy I was talking to said he’d be happy to help get me out there.  Sick, since it’s on my ‘to do before the end of the summer’ list: make myself fly.

Back Home Again

Happy Holiday Monday!

Do you have a ‘junk drawer’ too… one area you put all those little things you don’t know where else to stick?  I brought home a whole cardboard box of that kind of stuff and found these:

august 3 2009

That’s the best pen (it’s more of a red marker) that I’ve ever owned, and of course was never able to find again.  And that pink thing is a stamp with my name on it, and the only thing I’ve ever owned with ‘Keri’ spelled correctly (besides this); got it when I was around 7.

Also in that box I found the first season of ‘Arrested Development’, so I watched it today. The whole season.