I Searched

Last night Slipknot was at the Ricoh Coliseum, and I was the girl who did full searches on the attendees.  You might be surprised to know that 99% of Slipknot fans have excellent manners and are quite friendly.

I didn’t know I’d be doing searches and therefore had no gloves.  And you really need to get under the arms when searching as that’s a key hiding spot.  Think about that for a sec.

Sometimes I’m told I look familiar.  No, I do not sometimes go by the name ‘Southern Comfort’.  Still no.  Third time no dude [now I’m staring at this guy’s kid].
During my shift I tweeted this:

     Walking through the Slipknot concert, and I’ve felt up 60% of these people at the door.

Then an hour later, this:may 2 2009

     That last Tweet got me two new followers… that are both pickup artists. Hahaha
Those new followers were not as exciting as this one

It’s a Mystery Dinner

Look what I just signed up for: Charlie’s Burgers – The Anti-Restaurant.

You send them an email, answer a few questions they email back, and then wait.  You don’t know where, when, who is cooking what or with whom you’ll be eating.  They’ll contact you one day with the necessary information and tada, you’re in.  Neat eh, so spy-like.

Hopefully I didn’t tank my chances by admitting this: I’ll try anything, and if you can get me to eat fruit well, that’s an accomplishment since that has happened about 7 times in my whole life.