Yesterday I Was Asked to Make and Star in 5 Movies & Get Paid to Do It

I said no.

It was flattering to be asked to rep a company, however, if I don’t use something I can’t endorse it.  All money is not the same colour.  And I am a stickler for properness… like, I can count on one hand the number of songs I’ve downloaded and that was eight years ago.

Last year I let myself get talked into installing cracked software on my laptop.  But you can’t just do that; I had to then install this anti-serial-number-checking thing, then something else… basically it snowballed and not long after my laptop fried itself.  Apple had to give me a new one it was so bad.  I doubt it was completely from that (I pound on this thing, especially when editing) but yaaa, first and last time.

Why am I telling you this?  

Two reasons:may 28 2009

1 – because I want you to know that the sponsors I partner with in the upcoming months (I’m ready now to start this pitch program I’ve got designed in my head) are things and companies I believe in, use and feel confident telling you about.  

2 – I feel bad for another light day blogging (another big work day today) and so I think I’m subconsciously trying to fill up space.  Note I did not blog about what I ate or anything food related like that; made a pact with myself to not become that blogger.  

Having a blog has meant a real life-shift I’ve found.  Constant documentation, you know? Probably.

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2 Responses to Yesterday I Was Asked to Make and Star in 5 Movies & Get Paid to Do It

  1. ry says:

    Kudos to ya. It’s one thing to shoot and edit and work on something, it’s another to stand in front of the camera and say "I love this shit!"

    I said "no" today as well, but it was being asked to shoot a band for free. I’ve shot them in the past, but I’m long past the point shooting things for free that I don’t initially offer to shoot for free. Their response was "Well, ok, there’s other photogs willing to shoot gratis."

    More power to’em. Too bad they won’t be as awesome! Or so I tell myself. Either way you have to set precedents as early as you can lest you get walked on forever.

  2. KeriCDN says:

    Hey thanks Ryan, and kudos back to you.

    And yes, you gotta "start as you mean to go on".

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