Slow Art with Karin

Karin organized a ‘Slow Art Toronto’ event at The Art Gallery of Ontario… it’s a worldwide new art movement, Toronto’s on the early adapters list.  Basically you look at one piece as long as you can, hopefully at least 15 minutes or so, because then you start to see different things and it’s good for your concentration.  That’s a pretty bad explanation I think.

I stomped through as many different exhibits as I could looking at neat stuff, went and found the group in time for lunch and made some new friends.  Including an American couple in the gift shop who told me this. and I said this about the gift shop.

4 thoughts on “Slow Art with Karin”

  1. Actually, I’m not bugged about gift shops being the busiest! I used to despise that idea, but now I think, "Oh i really liked that painting, and since I can’t afford or steal it from the gallery, perhaps I should settle for a postcard/poster." Pens and pencils, bags and cups are great when you’re a measly tourist!

    PS. Yep, bad explanation! haha, joking joking :)

  2. must go to museum store… must buy images… small, medium, large… B&W or color… more images, more images, more images…

    (and besides… the museum store is a profit center that helps the museum achieve its program goals!)

  3. Ya Karin, I sure butchered the explanation of show art which is why I linked to your much better one :) And okay, I guess I can see that re: the gift shop. Thanks again for organizing lady!

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