Reaffirmed my ‘Oath of Citizenship’

At the swearing-in-new-Canadian-citizens ceremony I attended at Harbourfront, there were 60 new citizens representing 20 different countries, and it was presided over by these two gentlemen:

On the left is William J S Boyle and on the right Alex Neve, both recipients of ‘The Order of Canada’ – the highest civilian achievement with only 165 allowed to be in existence at any given time (I’ve seen one up close here).

Below I’ve pasted the exact wording; it’s a little off in the episode because I sprung this on them.  And thanks for being great guys.

Oath of Citizenshipjuly 1 2009

“I affirm that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance
to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada,
Her Heirs and Successors,
and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada
and fulfill my duties as a Canadian citizen.”

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One Response to Reaffirmed my ‘Oath of Citizenship’

  1. Cool Dude says:

    Um wow….we really still have to swear allegiance to the royals?….as a proud Canadian, I am just not ok with that….the invisibles are not amused

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