My New Winter Boots

I decided this year no more screwing around and got myself a real pair of winter boots.

Introducing my Sorels, good to -73C.  They’re called the Intrepid Explorer Boots and that is so accidentally fitting. november 20 2007

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11 Responses to My New Winter Boots

  1. omg AWESOME. I have real winter boots too but they look like a kid sister to yours :P

  2. Marie says:

    Your pose is adorable, full stop.
    You are an intrepid explorer. Keep it real, Keri-cakes.

  3. KeriCDN says:

    Haha Casie, and the best part is the go with absolutely everything!

  4. KeriCDN says:

    Thanks Marie, what a fantastic blog comment.

  5. oldvision says:

    one word….Smurf. haha!

  6. Those are hardcore yo! I tried Sorels (had serious winter boot envy last year) but found I couldn’t actually walk in them. Yours look more pliable though. This is my option this year – .

  7. KeriCDN says:

    Haha indeed, Old Vision, I don’t really get _why_ I look like a Smurf, but that made me LOL. And yup I’m 3 apples high.

  8. KeriCDN says:

    Hey Lisa, you’re right, they do take some getting used to walking, like, I have much more of a lope going on. And when I drive in them I have to move back my seat one notch because they make me taller!

    I like yours, they’ll look cute with skirts I think.

  9. oldvision says:

    I guess it was the combination of the skirt, thin legs and big boots. I like the look!! Perhaps my comment is just a reflection of my enviromental stimuli. Papa Smurf …out!

  10. KeriCDN says:

    Old Vision – I read that as you are surrounded by little Smurf figurines somewhere. That’s ah, different :)

  11. Pingback: I Bought a Beige Sweater | KeriBlog

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