My Latest Parkour Move

It’s called a ‘gate vault’:

Up you climb, fold yourself over the top of the “gate” and throw yourself down the other side using your arms as stabilizers.  Don’t be impressed, it’s very easy and just looks dramatic. It’s also easy on playground equipment like this because the top is smooth… different story when you’re going over a chainlink fence with those sticky-up pieces at that top you need to use pure arm strength to avoid.

What is impressive is this:

june 9 2009

That’s my friend vaulting the studio, and those are his handprints on the roof I should have washed off at the gas station this evening but didn’t because I think they’re funny.

Side note: I was gabbing on the phone while waiting for him in a parking lot.  I saw him in the distance, told my phone friend to hang on and then yelled to get his attention.  I put the phone back up to my ear and proudly exclaimed, “I can yell sooo loud!” and a lady, who had materialized behind me, heartily agreed.   

I’ve got some pals in the speaker business and one of these days we’re going to go do “Exploring Sound”, and I’m hoping they have a little decibel-tester machine we can use to see how loud I can actually be.

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