Might Have Missed My Calling

Pretty good form, eh?june 1 2009

Curtis sent me these today… he’s the Master Seaman (or ‘matelot-chef’ in French) at the Navy Base.  I read and re-read what that title means but don’t get it, or why in French it’s insinuated he can cook?  He’s the equivalent to a Master Corporal in the Army; ya still puzzled.  Military nomenclature is confusing and I think they do it on purpose.

All I know is he was the guy-in-charge that day, of the place and the weapons.  See him in the episode at 1:24; he’s the one in the background wearing a hat. 

4 thoughts on “Might Have Missed My Calling”

  1. Master Seaman – A rank in the Canadian navy, above leading seaman and below petty officer.
    Still need more…sometimes referred to as “master killick”, from “killick”, the slang for Leading Seaman. My job at the unit is the Chief Boatswain Mate known as the "Buffer". I help lead the other Boatswains (Bosn’s for short) in the Deck Department. We are responsible for the weapons, ammo, boats and seamanship evolutions like anchoring, towing…
    Wow, when you look at the lingo you might need a translator. Best way to learn is come on down and see what we do. – Thanks MS KOSTIN (MS is short for Master Seaman, not Miss) (lol)

  2. Okay so – if you’re a boss you are "petty". And a search for "killick" says it’s a word to describe a small anchor… therefore the higher-ups weight you down.

    Uh-huh. All I can figure is to view military language as absolutely opposite of what you’d think it means.

    Regardless, thanks Lady Curtis! (mwahaha… ohhh, I’m a douche)

  3. You are doing a good job showing different jobs and working hard at what you do as the best Canadin Explorer on the internet.

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