I’ve Been Sending This To Everyone Sometimes I choose a photo and ship it around everywhere, like this one and this one. This time I sent this one and used the text, “I’m inside your phone waving hello!” july 20 2009
PS: That’s my Google Voice number which is why I’m not to worried about the internet seeing it… in fact, to all Canadian Explorer explorers: Leave me a voicemail!! Reply
When I first read the above comment I was like, "woah, he put his phone number online? Should I delete it for him?" but then it got cleared up. Sure I’ll send ya stupid stuff… incoming! Reply
Add me to your list of people you text with that stuff!!! (415) 894-0850
PS: That’s my Google Voice number which is why I’m not to worried about the internet seeing it… in fact, to all Canadian Explorer explorers: Leave me a voicemail!!
When I first read the above comment I was like, "woah, he put his phone number online? Should I delete it for him?" but then it got cleared up.
Sure I’ll send ya stupid stuff… incoming!