I’ve Been Sending This To Everyone

Sometimes I choose a photo and ship it around everywhere, like this one and this one.

This time I sent this one and used the text, “I’m inside your phone waving hello!”

july 20 2009

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3 Responses to I’ve Been Sending This To Everyone

  1. Sean Ward says:

    Add me to your list of people you text with that stuff!!! (415) 894-0850

  2. Sean Ward says:

    PS: That’s my Google Voice number which is why I’m not to worried about the internet seeing it… in fact, to all Canadian Explorer explorers: Leave me a voicemail!!

  3. KeriCDN says:

    When I first read the above comment I was like, "woah, he put his phone number online? Should I delete it for him?" but then it got cleared up.

    Sure I’ll send ya stupid stuff… incoming!

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