My night started at the top of the Sheraton Centre for the VIP kickoff event, here I am at the party:
Shortly after I made that, I met these guys:
That’s Councillor Kyle Rae and Senior Marketing VP at Scotiabank John Doig.
Them: What will you do with that photo?
Me: I’m going to send it to Twitter
Them: Oh fun, we’ve never been on Twitter
Me: Well I’ll fix that, and welcome!
They both killed their speeches and then Mayor Miller did the same. I was standing off to the side of the stage chatting with them when shortly after I made this video Mayor Miller asked me if I’d downloaded the Blackberry app for the night.
My response was to hold up my phone and say, “oh this is for Twitter”. He just stared at me confused. What is wrong with me sometimes?
That’s the view from the party, and also the shot you’re gonna see in the papers Monday. I know because I met two of the night’s official photographers (Hi Luca and Alessandro!), and they kindly said I could use their images in my episode.
Then I fought blindfolded in a cage-match (sounds more dramatic then it was, the footage is anti-climactic), disco-danced in the Toronto Reference Library and watched some construction cranes dance around the sky.
The below photo is taken exactly two seconds after I hit the wall and shut it down. Goodnight.
Update: Thanks for the pic, Alessandro!
Oh! Fun. Must have been a great party. I didn’t get to check out too much art but had fun :)
It was a great party and night too. Nuit Blanche FTW.