Yesterday I was informed there was a package en route, so first I went to check my mailbox and it’d arrived half an hour before I did. Not only is this “The Official First Piece of Canadian Explorer Mail”, but now I have a box to open over dinner.
september 25 2009
Those are my views, I’m at Harbour Sixty. This is the only thing I’d planned today, I’ve been wanting to go here for over a year, and it lived up to my anticipation.
I was going to show you what I ate, like, I took photos of it all, but I couldn’t Photoshop them… there’s something gross to me about photos of food on websites, let alone the ones taken after the food’s been eaten. So I’ll just tell you in text: scallops wrapped in bacon / mac&cheese with truffle oil / tomatoes covered in cheese / molton lava cake.
Over my cake I opened my gift, and look at what I got gah, love it. This is so me. It’s a Res-Q-Rench, a firefighter tool. Now I can turn off gas valves, break car windows and pry open doors and windows. If you’re stuck inside I can get you out.
And to make it more special the sender’s name is on it, this thing has actually seen firefighting action. Scott, thank you!
As I’m typing this I can’t imagine what I musta looked like to the waiters… girl eating alone, on her left arm is a gas mask, her right is covered in cuts (yesterday from the tree) and she just lit up opening a box to find a violent-looking tool. It’s good no on asked me what I’ve been up to recently, “omg warship“.
Bottom right is the first of two white tunnels I’d end up in tonight. Walking home I looked like the letter ‘L’ because I was so full I couldn’t stand up straight.
I was clearing off my voicemails, got confirmation of my Blog Party date and then exactly one second after I do… I see a shooting star.
(please mark your calenders – November 17 at the Reservoir Lounge. I’ll make an official announcement soon).