Contest Update… 5th Place!

Thank you very much to everyone who helped me out, I appreciate you.

Okay SO.  Here’s what happened…

– I upload my entry Friday night.  It goes live yesterday afternoon at 3pm

– the troops mobilize

– things really take off and tada! LOOK

5th PLACE!  According to this I’ve made it to the finals YES.

See the results here: 

I celebrated last night with a Happy Meal. 

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8 Responses to Contest Update… 5th Place!

  1. That is awesome! Who decides the final selects?

  2. KeriCDN says:

    Thanks! I’m SO pumped.

    The people over at Samsung decide, and the rules say within 10 business days from Monday a decision will be made.

    So now Eugen, we wait. I am not a good waiter. Sigh.

  3. suzy says:

    I am so pumped for you. So pumped.

  4. KeriCDN says:

    Thanks Suzy, ME TOO.

    I think about it all the time.

  5. You should win… no contest… You ARE a big deal on Twitter. Shouldn’t that count for something? ;)

  6. KeriCDN says:

    Thanks, Stephane I like where your head is at!

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