Category: Uncategorized

  • Lunch with a New BlogGirl Friend

    august 24 2009

    Meet Karin, terrific Russian* girl who blogs, too.  She’s hosting an event at the AGO soon about conceptual art and we’ll go to that as I’ve not yet been.  

    She told me about it over lunch along with how she “just want to go fishing.  I have my licesence and everything” and I jackknifed, it was said with so much conviction and real random, click here for a photo of her doing just that.  

    Good luck with your speech tomorrow lady!

    * Mena zavoot Keri.  Ya loobleu rooskava yazeeka.  Ya cheeteereeu kaneega.  Ya gavaryou troodna.

  • Me Today

    august 23 2009

  • Party Night

    august 22 2009

    On the left was taken upon arrival.  The two things bottom right are screenshots that were sitting on my desktop, and I used them to even out this collage.  I am a lover of screenshots.

    On the top is what came back after I ran a name through this MIT thing; click that link and enter your name, so sick.  And on the bottom is from my Tumblr* account’s preferences… endless scrolling Tumblr?  I’ve been waiting my whole life for this.

    * My Tumblr site is for stuff I like online but that doesn’t fit here on my show’s site.  Find over there stuff about Canada, or not, or just stuff.

  • Screenshots from Filming

    august 22 2009

    Filmed the in-between parts for the next ‘What I’ve Been Up To #2’, see the first one here. This’ll end up being black and white but actually today I’m quite colourful.

  • My New Stickers are Good Looking, Eh

    august 21 2009

    Casie made ’em for me, thanks lady.  

    There they are in action on the bottom, first on the right at the Koodo party with Casie (she wrote about it here), and on the left that one was in place by 10 this morning and it’s been pulling ’em in all day.