Category: Uncategorized

  • Screenshots From Editing

    Canada is one of the few places where the moon comes out during the day.

    This footage was weird to edit.

    Photo title: Why I’m a good hire summed up in one photo [because those earrings are from grade 3, with original backs].

    Hello from olden times.

  • Happy Birthday OOK

    My company, OOK Incorporated is two today!

    (I like to Cornify things when celebrating)

  • Hi There, See You Later

    First, sorry you came and there’s nothing new.  To be honest, I’m still burnt out.  The Olympics took a lot out of me, and I’m still not back to normal.  I feel retarded saying that.  I’m the girl that _always_ bounces back!  Not this time I guess.

    Thinking I’m just gonna wake up one day and be me again isn’t working, and these promises of I’ll be back online soon are delusional.  

    I’ve been editing the same episode for a week now and I can’t get it together.  It shouldn’t be that way, that’s how I know.  

    And maybe this will seem over the top, but I don’t think one of our greatest Canadian moments should be edited with such a head as mine right now, and you wouldn’t wanna watch me narrate anything right now either ;)

    My grandma’s been in the hospital since last week and tomorrow she’s moving to a new home quite a bit further away, so that’s this week, and I’ll be back with the rest of the great Olympic footage I still have when I’m normal.  Not putting a date on that :)

    Find me on Twitter a bit in the interim.

    xo Keri 

  • Olympic Newspaper Articles

    Here they are:

    Feb 12 – ” humans are supposed to be moist, eh?”

    Feb 15 – “I get why people follow the Games around now”

    Feb 16 – “maybe it’s jinxy of me”

    Feb 17 – “on the SkyTrain (it’s not a subway)”

    Feb 18 – “Canadians excel at the new sports, we’re early-adopters.”

    Feb 19* – “think about the last dinner party you threw and times that by a billion”

    Feb 22 – “time is going too fast”

    Feb 23* – ” are you tired of the Games yet, Vancouver?”

    Feb 24 – “given an excellent hat, which I wore all day” 

    Feb 26 – “Vancouver’s transportation system is run on the honour system”

    Feb 27* – “I want to live in this bubble forever” 

    * = favourite

    Vancouver 24 Hours

  • Hi hi

    New videos and updates coming soon, I’m completely wiped is all.  Sorry you came here and there’s nothing new.