Category: Uncategorized

  • Just Some Things

    september 15 2009
    Both taken during Sunday’s cycling race, and there’s an element on the left I need to copy. The race results are generated from that desk on the right which is in a mini-van, powered by that generator which is small and keeps the system going for 8+ hours.

    There’s a classic disembodied-head shot, and on the right is an old photo of me I found when cleaning weeks back.  

    Here’s my latest invention:

    That’s ‘Little Me’, see me better here.  I was writing this email to the friend who gave it to me: 

    “Found myself my final home today.  Better protection from dust.  Correct fengsui.  Wondering if gas mask should be worn as a necklace”

    when it hit me, “no not a necklace, this could make an excellent bracelet” and yup, it did.

  • Artifacts from the Ship

    september 14 2009
    From top left clockwise:
    – a Bosun’s whistle
    – the thing I told you about here; worn on your shoulder and denotes your rank
    – sick USB key, eh
    – a commemorative coin from the HMCS Ville de Quebec
  • Me Today

    september 14 2009

    Car wash day.

  • Images of Canada

    Photos from my phone from the past little while:

    september 14 2009

    – you can see two countries there, separated by that bridge
    – love that driveway
    – a bus mural I liked
    – a flask 

  • Last Race of the Season

    Today was my team’s last race and first ever Time Trial.  That’s when your bike has solid disk wheels (which make an ominous sound) and Tron-esque helmets, and really you just go in a straight line as fast as you can for about an hour.

    It’s very grueling, and one of my team said he was thinking of me during the ride when “your dream came true Keri and I barfed a bit in my mouth”.  Good work.  And for those of you just meeting me, click here to watch the episode “Exploring Cycling” and find all team mentions there, too.

    The race was held in Plattsville, a cute little town of a few thousand one hour west of Toronto.

    Bottom right I’m showing you an old mill in the middle of town, and bottom left is Mike Armstrong, professional race photographer for Extreme Road and guy I hung out with while we captured the race start where they fly down a 45 degree incline and take off. 

    I also met Kelly and Phillip from my beloved Hamilton, and Kelly knows the location of the first ever Tim Horton’s there and will email me.

    That’s me in an empty podium tent on the loudspeaker, welcoming you to ‘The Canadian Explorer Open’ featuring ‘The Canadian Explorer Flyers’ which will be taking place in Delusionville.   

    I already miss my team even though it just ended.  Thank you for a fantastic season fellas, can’t wait till next year.