Category: Uncategorized

  • Think I Found my Blog Party Location

    I need to think a bit more about it, but look, it’s The Reservoir Lounge.  Why there? Because I dreamed about it once, click here.

    september 22 2009

    Through the doors on the left and tada, the place is adorable.  They have a different jazz band each night, and depending on the date I choose (early November) means either Tyler Yarema will sing to us (Tuesdays) or Bradley and the Bouncers (Wednesdays).  

    I was taking a photo of Bradley’s photo when a voice said behind me “I can help you get a better shot” and there he actually was.

    That’s the stage where the band plays and where I’ll have a little screening to kick off “Season 2 of The Canadian Explorer!”.  I’m working on a drink sponsor so I can buy all you guests your first drink at least, and I’m gonna have a photobooth and some other stuff.  And I want balloons, too.

  • I’ve Only Been Editing

    By the time I’m done there’ll be 70+ hours of editing in this thing, plus producing and sailing time, 21GB of footage, 224 .DV files, thousands of Final Cut cuts, whew.

    That’s why my blog has been content-light and I’ve only been tweeting: september 21 2009

    Woke up on a warship, caught a ride home on a plane, hit 2 parties downtown, today will be tough to top #ReflectingOnMyFuture #zzzzz

    The ship was good for me.

    “Exploring the Navy” really came together last night; it’s gonna be cute, long (5 min. at least), and for once you’re gonna learn something.

    Just found this interview foogate – Him: You have 3 minutes.  Me: Dude I _make_ 3 minute movies.

    [TwitPic] – Me tonight from filming the last bit for the Navy episode and omg the sun goes down fast these days.

    Aha, just worked in a heart wipe.

    Go Navy!

    Having new music makes so much difference

    Morning!  Can’t wait to show you the ship and the Navy, which is the people.

    Apologies in advance – of the gig I just rendered 33% of the footage I’m chewing gum.

    I’m still editing.

    31 hours of editing since Friday.  I may not be the smartest girl on the block, but I’ll out-work you.  Zzzzz.

    You actually learn something in this episode.  Don’t get used to it.

    Rendering.  Pray for less than 1000MB.

    1.09 GB mf.

    Oh no – think I spelled ‘missile’ wrong and I’m uploading.

    And that’s the FinalCut file.

  • Me Today

    Hello, I’m editing. september 20 2009

  • A New Intro is Needed

    It’s time to make a new Intro in a more fall / winter ensemble, same song but fresh footage. I know exactly what I want to wear:

    september 19 2009

    I’m at Original on Queen West, I’d met the owner Simon not long ago.  It’s the only place in Canada where you can get a crinoline like that… there’s 35 yards of fabric in each one, they’re not itchy, and they’re like the Porsche of crinolines.

    Then I’m going to sew a little red&white striped dress to pull overtop.

    I love these things, here’s one I have.  Jody took these photos, and see my face on the right?  When you put on something like this you spin around fast, that’s what you do… but who knew the thing was gonna fly straight out like that?  The salesgirl actually squealed.

  • Welcome to My New Sponsor,

    When I told you recently about some emails I’d sent out, owner Jack Waldenmaier was one of the recipients.  Please say hello to: – ‘The Official Music Supplier of The Canadian Explorer’

    I’ve been at this two years and have seen 85% of the possible places to buy from (not everywhere offers classical) and always go back to Jack’s for three reasons:

    1 – the website’s preview back-end is solid, so it’s smooth and easy to select tracks.  This part’s big because sometimes the episode doesn’t fully assemble in my head until I hear the correct music

    2 – when it says “full orchestra” it actually is.  Some sites embellish that, like, one oboe and a couple violins does not an orchestra make

    3 – the music from here has regular breaks and changes in the tempo so it’s easy to edit to

    He’d emailed back asking what format I’d like the requested songs in (.AIF please) and made me a special page to download the three tracks plus a collection of 10-second diddys, classy.  Now we’re set for the next three episodes and I’ve never had this before, a new song for each.  

    It’s going to make a big difference because I won’t have to get all inventive and cut up previously-used songs, trying to make them sound new.  And the footage and music really stick together in my head and make it sometimes tough to dream up new edit sequences.

    Click here to check out Jack’s personal site; he’s also a composer of more than 800 commercial musical compositions and is the President of the ‘Dallas Modern Music Ensemble’, Voices of Change.

    And Jack, thank you very much.