Category: Uncategorized

  • Me Today

    september 25 2009

  • Exploring Ontario Place

    Cabbed it down to Lakeshore and Strachan and walked from there.

    Start > 1 – crawl over the breakwater rocks keeping low and in the shadows.  I’ve ended up looking like an ‘L’ a lot today

    1 > 2 – through the dry-docked boats, dash across the parking lot, over a fence and up the stairs to the top of the slide

    2 to 3 – That’s the view from the top, here’s another.  We walked down the slide, all encased in a giant white tube.  Feels weird, “feels like we’re walking in the future”.  Made many many future jokes.  At the bottom we peered over the edge deciding our next move when we saw two foxes?!

    3 to 4 –  Just run.  See that green arrow on the body of water?  As soon as we got within 6 feet of it there was a huge splash right in the middle, like, a dolphin jumping would splash like that.  We freeze up in fear because WTF?

    4 to 5 – Calm, purposeful walking here, “we are going to back to our boat”.

    5 to 6 – Up the stairs, across those diamond rooftops, back down, and that’s where we found the dinosaurs:

    september 25 2009

    Me: Hey they’re squishy, not hard plastic [punch punch]
    Him: Look what makes us laugh, oh boy
    Me: Posting incriminating photos of me on the internet?
    Us: giggling

    6 to 7 – into the Kid’s Area where the door to the big climbing maze was open, lock just hanging to the side.  We freeze again, fine let’s go.  But I got 4 turns in and that was enough, “something feels wrong, I don’t want to be here” and ran out.

    The only way off the island is to shimmy along the outside of a railing in front of the guard house.

    Him: grab the railing, not those spikey things
    Me: No? [that’s what I was about to grab]
    Him: That’s how I fell last time, they break off
    Us: giggling

    By now my hands and arms are tired from fences, the bar is big for my hand size, and I almost slipped woah my palms got sweaty as I typed that sentence, weird.

    On the walk back downtown we saw a third fox.

    So if you don’t plan out your night out, that’s what can happen.

    PS – juuust kidding, none of this happened.  I Photoshopped all those images and made the story all up .




  • Dinner

    Yesterday I was informed there was a package en route, so first I went to check my mailbox and it’d arrived half an hour before I did.  Not only is this “The Official First Piece of Canadian Explorer Mail”, but now I have a box to open over dinner.

    september 25 2009

    Those are my views, I’m at Harbour Sixty.  This is the only thing I’d planned today, I’ve been wanting to go here for over a year, and it lived up to my anticipation.  

    I was going to show you what I ate, like, I took photos of it all, but I couldn’t Photoshop them… there’s something gross to me about photos of food on websites, let alone the ones taken after the food’s been eaten.  So I’ll just tell you in text: scallops wrapped in bacon / mac&cheese with truffle oil / tomatoes covered in cheese / molton lava cake.  

    Over my cake I opened my gift, and look at what I got gah,    love    it.  This is so me.  It’s a Res-Q-Rench, a firefighter tool.  Now I can turn off gas valves, break car windows and pry open doors and windows.  If you’re stuck inside I can get you out.

    And to make it more special the sender’s name is on it, this thing has actually seen firefighting action.  Scott, thank you!

    As I’m typing this I can’t imagine what I musta looked like to the waiters… girl eating alone, on her left arm is a gas mask, her right is covered in cuts (yesterday from the tree) and she just lit up opening a box to find a violent-looking tool.  It’s good no on asked me what I’ve been up to recently, “omg warship“.

    Bottom right is the first of two white tunnels I’d end up in tonight.  Walking home I looked like the letter ‘L’ because I was so full I couldn’t stand up straight.  

    I was clearing off my voicemails, got confirmation of my Blog Party date and then exactly one second after I do… I see a shooting star.

    (please mark your calenders – November 17 at the Reservoir Lounge.  I’ll make an official announcement soon). 

  • Exploring the ‘Toronto Botanical Garden’

    Picked up Keri in the studio and went somewhere I’ve been trying to get to all summer –  The Toronto Botanical Garden.  

    september 24 2009

    The Keris are looking good, eh.  When she came out to meet me she took one look at my dress, said she had one kinda like it and would be right back.  We found more similarities today, too… Keris are bad at directions, pale, wear fanny packs, and we think we’re hilarious. 

    We doubled down – I filmed an episode and she took photos of me and the place.  I’m going to cut them into the episode and also it’s good because now I have some great photos of me because my profile picture hasn’t been changed in forever.  

    And I found MY ROSE; click here to see ‘The Canadian Explorer Rose’ come on.  It’s a hardy, disease-resistant flower with exceptional blooming habits, requires no winter protection and grows to about three feet.

    Jenny helped us find it, she’s the Communications Director there and when I told her I liked the Garden’s website she said she built the thing, nice lady!  She told us some interesting facts:

    – their building is both award-winning and LEED Certified
    – there’s 12 themed gardens over 4 acres, huge old trees and a little river
    – you can have your wedding or party here
    – there are 3 Jennys that work here
    – rainwater is collected then an automatic-monitoring system waters accordingly (Woah, it’s like you have AI here.  Imagine if it could bring you coffee)
    – there’s a different vegetable garden each year.  This summer Ukraine vegetables were grown, next year it’s Italian ones
    – thanks again, Jenny, still wish I’d gotcha on camera

    Then I fell out of a tree.

  • Me Today

    september 23 2009

    Also, I was a painting.