– What I did Friday night, and this (say it aloud). By the time I took it I’d been pounding my keyboard backdating for 3 hours so I’d say that’s a good assessment. Take the test too: TypingTest.com (Tigers in the Wild).
Them: What will you do with that photo? Me: I’m going to send it to Twitter Them: Oh fun, we’ve never been on Twitter Me: Well I’ll fix that, and welcome!
That’s the view from the party, and also the shot you’re gonna see in the papers Monday. I know because I met two of the night’s official photographers (Hi Luca and Alessandro!), and they kindly said I could use their images in my episode.
Then I fought blindfolded in a cage-match (sounds more dramatic then it was, the footage is anti-climactic), disco-danced in the Toronto Reference Library and watched some construction cranes dance around the sky.
The below photo is taken exactly two seconds after I hit the wall and shut it down. Goodnight.
One handful of people have said to me in the past week to “syndicate yourself, Keri”. Okay, even though I don’t really get what that means and Wikipedia is zero help – now I’m confused in Latin? I think it means putting my episodes everywhere.