Category: Uncategorized

  • My Cycling Team is Doing Great This Year

    We’re two races into the season and my team is doing great this year and being very team-like.  I used to think cycling was just pedal as fast as possible, but turns out there’s a lot of strategy involved.  

    The first race was the Good Friday Road Race put on by the Hamilton Cycling Club, one of the oldest cycling clubs in Canada, founded 1881.

    There were an obscene amount of crashes.  Imagine that group above exploding from the centre like a cartoon, legs and arms everywhere.  Not blogging those photos.  
    Seeing my logo on the jerseys does not get old.  And that’s what you wear to a race; mini skirt and combat boots.

    Out of nowhere I hear, “Keri!” and tada, the stars of “Exploring the Waterfall Capital of the World” came out of nowhere, hi guys! (fast forward to 1:35 in that video for the waterfall part).  Click here to read about when we felt a ghost during our exploration.

    My team did great at the Calabogie race, the one on the race track.

    This is how I cheer.

    And this is how I amuse myself during the waiting.

    Here’s the episode, Exploring Cycling.

  • Star of ‘Exploring Deep Space’ Makes BIG Discovery

    My very first exploration ever was with Dr. Terry Bridges and Hank Bartlett at the Queen’s Observatory.  

    Well get THIS: Terry has discovered “as many as 1/4 of the star clusters in our Milky Way are invaders from other galaxies” and “there may be as many as six dwarf galaxies yet to be discovered within the Milky Way, rather than the two that were previously confirmed”.  Read the entire article here

    Congratulations, Terry, this is fantastic!

  • I Got Mail

    Thanks Universal, for the It’s Complicated DVD!

    And Dean, congratulations on becoming a published author!  Your books look classy, nice touch on making your name in gold.  

    From Dean’s stuff I learned about Irving Layton, on of Canada’s biggest poets, nominated twice for the Nobel Prize for Literature, was awarded my beloved Order of Canada (here’s when I saw one IRL), and Dean’s buddy.  

    Check out Dean’s poetry and learn more about him here.

    And if ever you’d like to send me stuff please do I LOVE getting mail.  Here’s my address.

  • Me Today

    It was windy this weekend, eh.

  • Happy Mother’s Day!

    I love you, Mom so much! XOXO