Category: Uncategorized

  • Images of Canada

    Cleaning off my camera:

    – have you seen this years Olympic Apparel by Park Life for Aritzia?  Beautiful, click here for more 
    – an Air Canada play set that’d be fun to get and make a little stop motion thing starring Little Me
    – a pin that Liam made is sporting around the UK, love it
    – now those are Canadian Explorer boots, made by Pajar.  So are these, which you’ll be seeing these a lot this winter

  • My First Purchase With…

    … my donation money.  This changes _everything_.

    I’m gonna do stuff like this with it.  I know that photo is sooo 1998, but it’s still funny.

  • Holy Crap it’s Working

    Scroll down, look right and you’ll see I added a “Please Donate!” button there and I can’t believe it but people are clicking!

    Thank you SO MUCH!

    Having been through 3 broadcasters, 5 production companies and a couple years at this you’ve no idea how motivating it is that four, four!, of you believed enough to reach into your pocket.

    Thank you. 

  • Me Tonight

    No I didn’t dress up, I’ve only once since grade 8 (I was Persephone).

    It’s just, re: Hallowe’en I’m like, meh.  Had someone asked me what I was today I woulda said “not a video blogger”, but no one did. 

  • Went to See Kreskin

    I adore Kreskin; it’s my second time seeing him.

    Isn’t he so cute?  I’d like to have coffee with him, he could teach me a thing or million about having a show and also bending reality with his mind.  

    Of course he found his cheque, that’s peanuts for him.  Last time I watched him make a bag of water materialize on stage.

    Photo on the right is what I wrote down when he passed out little pieces of paper and asked us to write important things on them, then read what they were while sealed in an envelope. Amazing is an understatement.

    This is my third blog post about him, click here for the other two.