Category: Uncategorized

  • Things I Wrote in Emails Recently

    To a variety of people, in no particular order:

    – got a Happy Meal.  A little Build-a-Bear came in it.  Watched some kids get arrested

    – don’t ever throw out any of these emails, I’m certainly not because in 20 years I’m going to re-read them and if they’re both on hotmail and Gmail there’ll end up being a copy for sure saved for that day

    – Yes, the Navy episode was the best video that was ever uploaded to the internet in the land of lands forever and then some into perpetuity throughout the universe

    – I just couldn’t keep the smirk off my face that appeared halfway through the sentence, so I just let it spread all over my face

    – my skull was very happy today

    – and just like that we’re no in the Echelon system.  Hi Echelon.

    – I emailed you, how olden times of me

  • I’m an Animated .GIF Again

    Thanks again for the crinoline, Original.

  • Me in Myst

    Well I pretended I was… I’m actually at the RC Harris Water Treatment plant, which I think looks exactly like the game Myst.

  • Do You Think This is Odd? I Don’t

    A friend wanted me to see a video clip and sent me link:

    Me: Thanks, but I’m not downloading that
    Him: Huh??? But you have a video show… and… really?
    Me: I do, still not downloading

    His shock went on for four emails.  I checked with another friend who said the same: that’s weird, Keri.

    It’s just I hardly ever download anything off the Internet; I don’t like when the files touch my hard drive.

  • Picked Up My New Passport

    Here’s what I think about it: