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    Sorry I haven’t replied to one thing email nothing, TTYT, back to sitting quietly.

  • Thank you, Headshots

    For my screening I’d rented a projector* and screen from Headshots and when I returned it today I was told they were comping it, snap.  

    That’s Shannon, the one who made it all happen, and thanks again eh, you saved me my largest party expense. 

    *all you do is jam the plug it comes with into the side of your MacBook and it just works, it was almost like too easy

  • Well I Should Say What a Successful ‘Blog Party

    Thank you very much to everyone for coming out!

    And for those of you who weren’t there did you miss me ever being awkward on stage.  Did not see that coming.  It’ll be a cringe fest while editing I know it.  

    The raffle/screening combo was fun, and what a great feeling to wake up and for the first time ever not have unedited footage there hanging in the back of my head.  

    I’ll reply to your messages and post pics and videos all in a little bit.  Had some drinks after it was all done and first I gotta go find some food and eat it, you know? :)

  • Thank you, Ray and Reservoir Lounge

    You were so good to me, and thanks to Tyler for a spectacular performance (after which I told him this), Luke, Bradley, everyone.

    And internet, if you’re looking for somewhere to go for fun and drinks, choose here: The Reservoir Lounge.