One Blackberry for each hand:
It’s my replacement, and arrived today.
Now I’ll be able to Twitter again from it, play FourSquare, make phonecalls.
One Blackberry for each hand:
It’s my replacement, and arrived today.
Now I’ll be able to Twitter again from it, play FourSquare, make phonecalls.
Top left clockwise:
– the very first sketch I ever made for this website design
– remember those? I bet it couldn’t even text
– that’s a photo text a friend of mine received… pretty boring pic, eh. Why is it interesting? Because the sender spent $15 to get it to her. Ya, I know.
– somewhere I want to go… that’s the HQ of Steve Mann… he’s a Canadian who was one of the first people to ever broadcast his life online. He pioneered wearable computers (seriously, click this) and coined the term sousveillance. I’ve been a fan since the 90s when I read about in Wired Magazine; I’d probably get a bit tongue tied. Click here to see where that is on a map so you can go, too.
Karin and I went exploring Russian things. I don’t know why but I’ve always adored anything Russian, and having wanted always to go see such things going with a native today was even better.
Beautiful, eh? That’s at Troyka, the Russian Art Store.
That’s where I was introduced to Cheburashka / Чебурашка, this little guy whom everyone watched as a kid, kinda like our… Tom and Jerry maybe? Watch his adventures on YouTube here.
Then we went to Yummy Market where I got a chance to butcher their language, found some fish in a barrel and was poking them with some tongs.
We got Russian candy and food and made a picnic in the studio, “look Karin, my sandwich is shifting gears!”
Then I dropped her off at Ryerson so she could attend an awards ceremony where she was a recipient of a Philosophy award, congratulations lady.
Belshoyeh spasiba Karin, ya loobleeyu Ruskava yazika.