Happy Big Birthday, Tony!

After we hung up yesterday I had little tears because I wish so much I could’ve made it down for your big party, have a great time tonight and I owe you a giant hug. XO

This is Tony, Hector and me here in Toronto when they came up from South Beach to visit me two summers ago.

Here’s the time we met up in Niagara Falls, and here’s when I made the trip down south.  They’re my BFFs from forever, and I miss you guys.

My New Toy

A Nintendo DSi.  Been wanting one for a long time, look how old mine is, circa 1998.

The thing is flooring me… two cameras, I can send text and photos around, play online versus other people, and I have a suspicion this is one of the most hacked things out there.   

The games I chose:

Top to bottom:

– Mario and Luigi – Bowser’s Inside Story – came free with my DS

New Super Mario Bros. – I’m most excited for this one

Professor Layton and the Curious Village – I love puzzles

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2Obviously

And this DS is the reason this story ended the way it did.

Ate in the Dark This Week

Here at Onoir.

It’s been a culinary trend for a couple years I hear, something about how not being able to see your hand in front of your face enhances the food taste.  Blind people serve you.

It was a great experience, don’t need to repeat it.  I have a thing for blind people; I can’t imagine going through life not being able to see it.  That’s why I dedicated to them half of everything of this.

Also, our Canadian currency is of the few in the world that use a raised ‘tactile feature’ for the visually impaired.

I’ve Been Reading This

Blogging Hereos by Michael A. Banks.

For Xmas ’09 I gave myself this and this book (big Andy McNab fan here).  The year before I got a Jawbone.

The book is exactly what I needed, reigniting my love of blogging and all that.  It’s also serving as a good reminder I’m on the right track, how to go about it all, stuff like that.

Not gonna lie – since after my post-Olympic crash I’ve been finding it tough to get back to where I was, video blogging everyday, always sharing with you, living online.  That’s why there’s no videos since, it’s not for lack of trying.  

I have here 8 un-edited ones where I tried just to talk to the camera and bring you up to speed, but they’re all very meh.  Soon come, I can feel it, it’s coming back.