Category: Uncategorized

  • Screenshots from Filming

    Doesn’t it look like I’m in the Arctic?

    Jody and I went to Lake Ontario… I filmed stuff for my latest invention, she photographed stuff because she loves that.

  • Dropped This Off This Morning

    That’s the bio page from my pitch.  Good luck to me.

  • My New Pen

    It’s very me, eh?  A smiley face Maple Leaf pal from StoneAge.

  • I Heart Hamilton

    No particular reason, just do.  I went there today.

    Did you know Hamilton is the ‘Waterfall Capital of the World‘?  There’s over 125 of them.

    MOVIE GOES HERE (I’ll put it in tomorrow kay)

    I like how there’s more independent stores than brand name ones.

    The Toronto-Hamilton region is the most industrialized area of all of Canada, and 60% of Canada’s steel is produced here hence the nickname, ‘The Steel Capital of Canada’.

    Of course I went to see the HMCS Haida, our last destroyer from WW2.  I like my ship more.

    There’s some special places here, on the left is an important building for the Canadain National Railway I forgot to write down the name of.

    And on the right is maybe the city’s fanciest house, the Scottish Rite Castle.  Which is directly beside the Grand Lodge of Canada.  

    I find this fascinating I mean, Mason’s don’t do things by accident, you know?  That their HQ is here must mean something.

    Articles are popping up saying how artists and cool people are moving from Toronto here, and I can see why; the place reeks of potential.  

    If I was in charge of a real estate conglomerate I’d be buying up all kinds of stuff, post haste.

  • Me Today

    Oh wait, I haven’t shown you my new necklace yet.  One sec…

    Kay look, Casie made it for me for Xmas. 

    This is the story that came with it:

    1 – Red & White for Canada

    2 – That piece moves around because so do I

    3 – That’s a star and is to be worn on the left over my heart.

    I love it, thank you Casie.