It’s news-y sounding, for the beginning.
Canada's Biggest Fan
It’s news-y sounding, for the beginning.
1 – this is being not “camera ready”, even though for once I actually tried. Didn’t realize how bad my microphone was altering things. There’s a lot going on for this 1.5 minutes. I’ve gotta new respect for the daily news people
2 – I’m kneeling; because my green screen studio is so tiny, I must
3 – It floors me how hot those construction lights become. I don’t understand how they’re not starting fires all over the place everyday.
Meet Keith here in the episode, ‘Exploring Diamonds‘.
I wore a ridiculous bracelet to lunch, 720 diamonds in total I know.
Keith: What’s on your arm there?
Me: I’m in the jewelry business now too; this is a prototype of my first piece
Keith: It looks like a gas mask
Me: It is a gask mask!
Keith: Uh-huh. We need to redefine your definition of jewelry
Me: Phft
Visit Keith’s store online,
It’s Liam of 2PetalRose on the other end, my jewelry designing partner. Meet us here (and see my passport photo, too).
Our first piece will be the ‘Gas Mask Bracelet’. Bottom right is the one I’ve been wearing (see me in it here), but ours will be more realistic looking, like this one.
Meet Rob, founder of
He interviewed me today for a profile on his site, thanks Rob! Looking forward to linking that up when I’m live.
Rob’s great at SEO and so’s Stephen, Rob’s pal who randomly came into the Starbucks at Queen and John where we were; I picked up some excellent tips, thanks fellas.
Stephen’s the one who took this photo. Except the manager said no photos allowed in any Starbucks, company policy. Phft; Tim Horton’s would never.