Okay september 8 2007

At the beginning of July I created a Yahoo email and put it in my intro. Then for weeks I checked it everyday but never once did anyone ever write me and so I stopped checking and forgot all about it until tonight.

I opened it up and found 2 emails; the first was from Current.com asking me to call them, and the second was from CBC asking me to call them too!!!

I am out-of-breath from jumping up and down screaming.

Hey Tim from Applecare, Thanks

I call Applecare a lot, you know, for Mac help.  And when I called weeks ago Tim from California was on the other end. july 24 2007

The guy spent an hour and a half answering my sheet of questions, guided me through Final Cut (hello keyframing), and taught me that Streamclip is the way to go.  Without his help it would’ve taken me forever to figure this stuff out.

And until tonight I didn’t realize how rare Tim is… because the guy I just had on the line said, “Keri, this is not a Final Cut hotline” and hung up.

Just Booked my 1st Exploration

We will be going to explore deep space and look through a giant telescope.

I was so nervous to ask… I read in the paper there was an open house at Queen’s Observatory so I showed up and asked the guy in charge if he “would like to be in an episode of my show, ‘The Canadian Explorer'”.

It felt so weird to say that last sentence aloud.july 19 2007