Met With

Their HQ is in San Francisco but they shipped out someone to Toronto to host a little meet-and-greet and invited people they would like to make videos for them.october 20 2007

I’ve never been in a room filled with film-makers before.  I still forget I’m one.  I was by far the un-coolest person there.  

From what I learned Current wouldn’t take on a full series like mine, instead they’d just do it on a one video by one video basis.  We’ll call this a good backup plan.

More On CBC

Even though Johnny is positive and motivated it seems it’s not as easy as it is in my head.  You know, a lot of red tape and other stuff that confuses me.

I had to sign a release form to keep this party going.  The 5th point basically states that even if CBC has something in the works today, or forever from now, that even remotely resembles my show they owe me nothing.  

I tried to have that amended but turns out that’s not possible. So begrudgingly I signed my name… using my worst signiture ever. september 21 2007