Category: Uncategorized

  • A Favorite Gas Station

    It’s this Esso here on Lakeshore & Carlaw.  My routine is get gas, get Tim’s, get a car wash while eating Tim’s.  That’s the owner Saif, on the left.  Thanks for the car washes dude.

    september 15 2008

  • Sometimes I Worry About This

    You know how when you’re exchanging emails with someone and you get back a super-long response and you’re like, “oh dear, this is huge, they mustn’t have much to do and seem kinda lonley and forlorn” ?

    Well that… but it’s just that I can type realllllllly fast. september 12 2008

  • What a Great Party Weekend

    That is all.  september 7 2008

  • Morning Coffee with Discovery Channel

    We met at the Starbucks on Queen and John.  Jon’s an Executive Producer and their head web-guy.  I told him my plans for my trip, my show and we told jokes.august 26 2008

    He also asked how I knew Alex, the guy who’d introduced us:

    Jon: Did you used to work together? Or through an industry event?
    Me: No, I met him at a party and took his money in poker.

  • Coffee with Alex

    I met him at Le Gourmand on Spadina.  I’m pretty sure it was delicious but really I was too excited to taste much.

    He’s actually gonna email the head-web-guy over at Discovery introducing us, and he had with him a sheet of paper for me with the guy’s contact info so I could follow up.august 8 2008

    My feet did not touch the ground after so I texted him that.