It’s this Esso here on Lakeshore & Carlaw. My routine is get gas, get Tim’s, get a car wash while eating Tim’s. That’s the owner Saif, on the left. Thanks for the car washes dude.
september 15 2008
It’s this Esso here on Lakeshore & Carlaw. My routine is get gas, get Tim’s, get a car wash while eating Tim’s. That’s the owner Saif, on the left. Thanks for the car washes dude.
september 15 2008
You know how when you’re exchanging emails with someone and you get back a super-long response and you’re like, “oh dear, this is huge, they mustn’t have much to do and seem kinda lonley and forlorn” ?
Well that… but it’s just that I can type realllllllly fast. september 12 2008
That is all. september 7 2008
We met at the Starbucks on Queen and John. Jon’s an Executive Producer and their head web-guy. I told him my plans for my trip, my show and we told jokes.august 26 2008
He also asked how I knew Alex, the guy who’d introduced us:
Jon: Did you used to work together? Or through an industry event?
Me: No, I met him at a party and took his money in poker.
I met him at Le Gourmand on Spadina. I’m pretty sure it was delicious but really I was too excited to taste much.
He’s actually gonna email the head-web-guy over at Discovery introducing us, and he had with him a sheet of paper for me with the guy’s contact info so I could follow up.august 8 2008
My feet did not touch the ground after so I texted him that.