Every other day I’ve been by myself in the media centre, but today I worked in room with all the Sun Media Sports guys. More fun.
Of course my boot kicked those cords and knocked David off his long distance phone call, sorry dude.
Every other day I’ve been by myself in the media centre, but today I worked in room with all the Sun Media Sports guys. More fun.
Of course my boot kicked those cords and knocked David off his long distance phone call, sorry dude.
The Games are positive, infectious and fun. I have a handle on the SkyTrain (it’s not a subway) and am synced with the rhythm here.
Time to leap to the next level, time to expand beyond downtown, down to the Oval, take the boats you Vancouverites treat like buses (so neat), and how could i not visit Stanley Park and see trees wider than I am tall.
What else should not be missed? Email me Keri@.
We’re flying around the city; I like how he drives.
Beautiful, eh? Cherry blossom trees. That I can’t believe are flowering in February. Vancouver is Shangrila-ish.