Category: Uncategorized

  • On iChat Forever Tonight

    Thomas and I met on Twitter, moved over to iChat and then proceeded to spend a retarded amount of time pretty much looking exactly like this.  

    Okay so I needed help building my SquareSpace website and that’s what we’re doing here, and here. But doesn’t it sound so much more dramatic my first way? february 22 2009

  • 8k Parkour Run Today

    Here’s our route.  See, a lot of forest.  I haven’t spent that much time in nature in yearssss. Found a couple homeless people houses and some windchimes made from hard-drive parts that I should have taken a photo of.  

    I wore snowpants and my Northface coat and boy was that a mistake; way overdressed. That’s the pants below on the right; I ripped them going over a fence; weird how stuff always rips into squares eh?  

    february 22 2009

    And the left are the guys dragging logs down to the river, and then 3 of them marched right into the water up to their waists to haul the logs all the way across for the rest of us to use to walk on.  

    Seriously my lungs are killing.  Once I get fit I am never falling out of fitness again.  This is me driving home.

  • When Was the Last Time…

    … you saw one of these?february 21 2009