Category: Uncategorized

  • Dinner at The Keg

    Now that I know all about calories and actually care I looked up how many of them I was going to be eating tonight before I went over (1650).  But what I found was more interesting.

    George Tidball founded The Keg chain of restaurants in 1971.  The first one was in North Vancouver, now there are over 100 of them.  But you know what George did before that? He was the first person ever to bring McDonald’s to Canada, 1967.  I know, wow.

    march 26 2009
    I met my friend Winnie at the one on York Street.  We always sit at the bar and eat among the action.  Thursday nights are very busy here with all the financial and Bay Street people. Which makes me wonder… since these are the people who affect Canada’s finances are Friday’s financialy effed because they’re all hung over?

    And just to say it, no less than four guys came up to us to say how amazed they were to see us both eating not just a salad.  I had the filet mignon and Winnie, she can eat a 16oz. ribsteak.  That is impressive.

  • This Could Work for My Blog Party

    It’s The Great Hall on Queen West, run by On The Move Catering.  I worked here tonight keeping it safe and quite like it and the owners, Lino and Don.  And turns out Lino founded those Lettieri coffee shops all over the city, neat eh.

  • Studio Maintenance

    Remember when I was told to get power steering fluid?  I went over to the Volkswagen Downtown Toronto to pick some up and then perused the showroom, sizing up potential studios and bugging the salesman with questions.

    march 25 2009

    Turns out Awin (that’s what’s written on my hand there) is the company that owns them and 16 other VW, Audi, Land Rover and other dealerships in and around the Toronto area.  I’m absolutely going to write them a letter.

    Me: Okay that’s great, thanks.
    Salesman: Wait a sec, why do you want to know all of this?
    Me: Because I have an internet show starring my car and I’m going to write them to ask for a new one.
    Salesman: [his face says ‘this girl is delusional’]

    Then I took said fluid over to my Canadian Tire where Zaid [front right] took care of it even though he was  done his shift and on his way home.  Nice, eh?  That guy in the back was nice too, but I’ve never seen him before.

  • The BMO Field

    march 23 2009
    I attended a 3 hour orientation for the BMO Field tonight, for work.  Here are some facts:

    – this is the home of the Toronto FC, Canada’s first Major League Soccer (MLS) team
    – it’s also the home of Canada’s only Major League Lacrosee (MLL) team, the Toronto Nationals
    – games go on rain or shine
    – apparently soccer fans are very… intense.  The circles on the map above indicate sanctioned areas for these fans to be intense
    – and the 2 circles with the $ signs attached indicate where the pricest seats are
    – you cannot bring neither hairspray nor silly string into the BMO
    – most food concessions accept only cash, and there are no concession stands anywhere on the north side. But if you’re allergic to peanuts don’t eat anything here
    – you’re gonna want to avoid driving here on April 4th and June 6th & 24th because there’s something happening in every single building in the CNE and good luck finding parking
    – there are only 4 drinking fountains, located in sections 111 and 114
    – the field is fake, it uses FieldTurf
    – there is a 95% renewal rate on season’s tickets

  • These Here Sticky Notes…

    march 22 2009
    … contain my epiphany this weekend about the format of my show.  I think this new way I can fit more and offer back and ya, it just really came together in my head.