Category: Uncategorized

  • Meet Evan of Artik

    april 28 2009

    He’s the one who makes my business cards (see them here and here).  

    I wasn’t there for me though; I’d made some for my friend and was picking them up.  On the right is my new water bottle, a parting gift; thanks dude.  I chose these guys because they’re a 24 year old Canadian company who can print anything.

    What I want printed are two flags, mounted on those white sticks (like the one in my Intro) that I would put on either side of my hood and drive around as if my car was an official vehicle.  That’s good footage.

  • Girl with a New Haircut

    Of all my movies there’s just one who’s views are hugely higher (six times as high) and that’s the one I made with Brennen.  

    It’d been puzzling me until earlier this week when it hit me, so I asked him today, “you’re way more famous than I realize, aren’t you?”, and I got a little out of him:

    – tomorrow to Montreal to do the cover of September’s Elle Canada, a now-regular gig;
    – he did both Biotherm and Lancome‘s spring product releases
    – he’s currently featured in magazines FlareLush, and LouLou, where there’s a writeup saying he’s the go-to salon in town;
    Raphael Mazzucco, world renowned (and Canadian) photographer requests Brennen specifically, and he recently returned from New York doing just that. 

    april 28 2009

    He’s got a new salon and I’ve got footage of it in an upcoming episode.  He’s also decided on the theme of our next movie, “Exploring Keri’s Hair Getting Longer”, where he covers my head in huge hair extensions and I can’t wait; ponytail of my dreams.  

  • While Going Through Paperwork…

    … I found this photo:

    That’s the first ever quilt I made.  I used handkerchiefs and won’t ever, ever again; the material is way too thin to be reasonable.  
    Just to say it, that’s a very complicated pattern.  And the quilting (definition: stiching through layers of fabric to create a design) is intense.  You can’t really tell though because I used a disposable camera to take that photo.  No digital you say?  Nope, here’s why:

    I had a digital camera before many people even had heard of them (“did you take the photo? There was no click?”).  My dad was a geek therefore I was a geek, and above was a Christmas present circa 11 years ago, an AGFA ePhoto 307: 640×480, 4 AAs, used a serial cable.  

    It went everywhere with me (note the green tape) and I amassed thousands+ of photos. And then my computer tanked, every single one gone, my heart broke and I vowed never again.  And until I got my Blackberry I haven’t had one.  

  • Tax Time

    One year ago tomorrow I founded my first company, and starting last night and into today I completed all its tax stuff.  

    So nothing that exciting to report.  I did get to thinking that paying tax isn’t such a bad thing because… the more tax you’re paying means the more money you’re making means the more success you’re having.

  • Me Today

    april 26 2009