I’ve Been Editing This

may 4 2009
It’s footage from last week.  Above is a moment when we confess something, something we both do.  I’ve not decided if I’m gonna include it or not.

On another note, I got new music today (ohhh, see what I did there).  

Same place as last time: RoyaltyFreeMusic.com.  I downloaded a second set, like 10 songs, so fresh music; all 20 of my movies are set to the same 8 or 9 pieces.  I know what to do with “Exploring Cycling” now.

I’m Into Plaid Lately

And I’m trying something new in that area behind me you can’t see.  

You know how there’s usually a vase of fresh flowers there (which I like to think also acts as proof of the show’s timeline), well I’m into little vases now, and a pot of lavender (top 3 smells of my life).  

They’re Alstroemeria.  They’re the new carnations because they last for weeks.

may 4 2009